Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's A New Day!!

It's here!!! It's finally here!!! 2008 has left and 2009 has arrived!!! Happy New Year to one and all!!! I'm so glad the past is behind me and I am so looking forward to the immediate future!!! It's been rough but thanks be to God for allowing me to amke it through!!! And then when I really look at it, I realize that there is someone wishing they were in my shoes, even with all the downside items. No matter how bad things get, if not for the grace or enablement of God, it could be worse!!!

This is where I yawn, and go catch a few ZZzzzs. Be blessed!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


This is only a beginning. But, here it begs a question. If this is a beginning, does the beginning suggest an end? That's a little to metaphysical right now. Hopefully, there will never be an end to the Xhale Commentary. Finally, my comments and opinions have an outlet, much to the delight of my parents. All the talking, remarking, and sarcasm will now have a place to resound besides my parents ears.

Thanks for stopping by! I greatly appreciate the support! As time goes on, this will develop into something real nice!

Inhale! Exhale! Yeah, I said it!
[[[ XHALE ]]]